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The Liebster Award: What to Do with a                                    Nomination

You've been nominated for a Liebster Award! So, now what!?!


Let's start with the basics of the Liebster Award and then we'll move onto the action steps necessary to incorporate this award into your blog.




The Liebster Award was started by bloggers and put into place to help other bloggers to help promote each other's blogs! I love how Lorraine Reguly put it in when she says, "It follows similar principles as a chain letter, in the sense that it should be passed forward to a certain number of people." She has a thorough explanation of many Google searches and bloggers posts that she so amazingly puts together in her post of "Official Rules" from her blog, Wording Well. The word "Liebster" is German meaning dearest, sweetest, darling, etc. and it can be considered an honor to receive it.


I'm choosing to see it as an a way to help promote other blogs and create an amazing community within the blogging world.


THE LIEBSTER AWARD: How do you get it?


Essentially, someone nominates you! They can choose to send you an email or simply refer to your blog on their post! For me, someone posted in a blogging community I'm a part of, they reviewed my blog and then linked their website to mine and told me in the FB blogging community link. Pretty cool!



THE LIEBSTER AWARD: What do I do now?


According to the regulations of the blogger that nominated you (and the "Official Rules"), you answer the questions posed to you and then also nominate 5-11 other blogs. Then you pose your own 11 questions that the newly nominated Liebster Award receiver will respond to in their own blog post. Oh, and you always always ALWAYS leave a link and a thank you to the person who nominates you! 


You'll see my Liebster Award nominations up shortly with answers to the 11 questions that blogger Chauntel in her blog Lavender Linen & Lace posed to me. It should be coming up next week!





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